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EZ Fabric Counter Displays, Straight


Shelf Insert

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Product Price 400$


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The straight version of the EZ Fabric Counter Displays is a beauty to behold. Still, don’t let its aesthetic appeal make you feel that it doesn’t give you optimal functionality — because it does. These display products have been specially designed to combine professional viewership and convenience. One of the most important features that you get with these products is that they’re toolless. So, you won’t need to get any tools to assemble or disassemble them.

Thanks to the addition of button snaps, you can easily connect the framework of the Straight EZ Fabric Counter Display together. Just put the fabric on the frame, loop and hook the piece of fabric under the frame, and close the back portion. Attach the counter and you’re ready to go. Disassembling is just as easy, and keep in mind that you can do all of this without using any professional tools. The Straight EZ Fabric Counter Display uses a set of portable display counters, all of which feature light tube frames that are easy to assemble. If you’re looking for a portable and convenience display that will make you stand out from the crowd at any convention, trade show, or other events, then look no further than right here.

Product Price 400$

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